You made it, downtown business owner!

Now, let’s get you set up!

Now that you’re here with us, you need to select your level within 5 days of admittance into this member area.
Bakersfield Second Saturday is built for businesses with storefronts in Downtown Bakersfield. If you are a mobile vendor, please head over here for more information.

look at these options!

  • Access to Bakersfield Second Saturday member area

    Membership is available to upgrade at anytime

    $10 membership payment is recurring each month and non-refundable

  • Name, Address, Business Type + Open Hours

    Instagram + Website Links

  • Access to our “Marketing Kit” that includes generic Second Saturday brand materials for use in storefront and online

    Undated Posters + stickers available for pickup

    Branded social graphics w/ dates and a place for businesses to input offer via Canva

Monthly Supporter

[$10/mo subscription]

Perfect for the business or non-profit who wants to get their name out there!

Monthly Partner

[$50/mo subscription]

Perfect for the business that wants to amp up its marketing + promotion partnerships.

  • Access to Bakersfield Second Saturday member area

    Easily bump up upgrade to collaboration subscription for the months that work best for your business

    $50 membership payment is recurring each month and non-refundable

  • Name, Address, Business Type + Open Hours

    Instagram + Website Links

    Customize your monthly offer via Google Docs as often as you’d like

  • Access to our “Marketing Kit” that includes generic Second Saturday brand materials for use in storefront and online

    Undated Posters + stickers available for pickup

    Branded social graphics w/ dates and a place for businesses to input offer via Canva

  • Your business name listed + shared on Bakersfield Second Saturday’s social media accounts


[$100 per instance]

Let’s make a Bakersfield Second Saturday all about your business! 

  • $100 upgrade charge for each month selected

    5 spots per theme are available per month. When they're gone, they’re gone!

  • Name, Address, Business Type + Open Hours

    Instagram + Website Links

    Customize your monthly offer via Google Docs as often as you’d like

    Brand logo featured on map along with a special icon to bring eyes to you first!

  • The Hub will provide a “Marketing Kit” that includes generic Second Saturday brand materials they can use in their storefront and online

    Undated Posters + stickers available for pickup

    Branded social graphics w/ dates and a place for businesses to input offer via Canva

  • Your business name listed + shared on Bakersfield Second Saturday’s social media accounts

    Fully embedded custom stories + feed posts featuring business, offering with influencer callouts and multiple interaction moments

  • Featured as part of the main marketing campaign theme + influencer’s list of must-visit spots

    The main social media on the week of will feature these in prominence via squares, stories… but through the eyes of the influencers.